Monday, April 9, 2012


Rare promotional photo of the once lost Peach and Pockets!!!

Well, almost. I just wanted to say hi to everybody after being reminded that I had a blog stashed away somewhere in cyber space during a recent conversationin which Nabokov and thus, the almighty Kinbotes came up. I haven't been posting because after yet another relocation to sunny southern California I've been very busy getting an MFA, and in the meanwhile accruing a nasty stack of blog-worthy records that are threatening to jump off the shelves and write about themselves for you all to hear and see, a flood-gate that will surely burst in but a few weeks. If you're curious about various other projects I have a very infrequently updated Tumblr for miniature art crud - and hopefully a lot more of my films soon! Take care, talk soon, and be well. It's the time of the season, you know...


  1. What a (good) surprise! I was getting desperate. So nice to hear from you again. Your liner notes for Misty Hush Revival were very nice to read by the way (as always). Take care Jack.

  2. hi joachim
    it's been a long time since your last post
    how have you been ?
    you kept us hang up with you last metz post _ how wicked you are ?!!!
    i'm glad you're back and can't wait for your next album post
    take care

  3. Peach & Pockets promo photo. awesome.
    glad yer back, sun.

  4. Thanks guys! First album coming this week... it's a doozy!

  5. Hola J.
    Long time no hear from you and this magnificent place so this sign of life is simply great.
    I look forward to what ever you choose to put up inhere because it's always odd and fun stuff.
