Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Technical Difficulties...

It's been brought to my attention - that, for whatever reason a lot of my old embedded div-share players are dying out... In lieu of that, and my extremely basic tech-savvy I'm wondering if anyone could help me out with an alternative to this crappy file-sharing service and tacky looking embedded player... I spent the better part of an hour trying how to figure out the classy Java-script one upon realizing that I don't actually have any kind of server space to link this up to. Any suggestions? Ideally I'd like to have this stuff stored somewhere reliable, and be able to have a track or two up for alot of the albums too, for a sample once the album link expires... Please let me know what you think!


  1. Fixed! Thanks to my friend Dan, I've started to unravel these mysteries.

    All clips will soon be stabilized and have the Java script player, with sample songs added for old album reviews that have gone dead. Huge improvement... I'm stoked!

  2. I wish i have had the knowledge to help you J, but it seems that you had others to come thru which is realy great. Keep on rockin' bro.
